Neighborhood Bible Studies focus on studies for women.   We currently have two groups, one in the Reynel Fúnez neighborhood and in Lomas Del Sur in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Our studies give us a deeper understanding of Sacred Biblical Scriptures.  This allows us meditate and have an intimate communication with God.  God can change lives through the study of His Word.

The material we are using is provided by the Neighborhood Bible Studies to Go ministry.  This material has been a blessing and easy to use for each of the women.  At home they find it challenging to read, study and meditate on the Word of God.   For example, we have studied LIGHT, the amazing light attracts you to life, let’s shine like radiant lights.

Our meetings are every Wednesday at six in the afternoon, at this time we prepare to have some coffee while we study the Bible in depth.  The coffee technique works;  we can invite other women to have a cup of coffee and gradually introduce them to Bible study.

Today I meet with seven women, to share their testimonies of how studying the Bible at home has changed their lives.  They said home studies have helped them to have a knowledge of the Bible and given them discernment to understanding where the scriptures have been taken out of context.

Neighborhood Bible studies have challenged us to create Evangelism in our neighborhood so that more women can come and know about God.

Day by day we are growing in the knowledge of God through the scriptures and sound doctrine.  Help us pray for each of the women we meet each week to study the Bible.