Emanuel and his mom Kelin Ortega prepared and delivered 100 meals to hungry people yesterday in their village of a Reynel Funez Honduras. The villagers are stranded due to coronavirus lockdown and are barricades from entry to capital city that has their only access to food and medical supplies. Kelin, one of our International Mission Connection staff, is sharing what food she and her little boy have. Her idea. Her heart. Make compassion contagious.

Please help us buy food for Hondurans. It is a challenge to get money sent into the country and another challenge to find pulperías that have food for purchase as everything is on lock down and people are being punished who are found in the streets, but we are making every effort to get the help that is needed. This is not a big project that makes the world news. We are just trying to do what we can… one day at a time. One child at a time. Donate online at here. Every dollar is earmarked for direct provision to Honduras. No admin costs. No Americans receive salaries or support from IMC. We don’t feed CEOs. We feed starving people.